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- The Red Book - 2nd Grade Skills Teacher Edition (E-Book)
The Red Book - 2nd Grade Skills Teacher Edition (E-Book)
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Product Description
Real Book Read Alouds
Scope and Sequence
The Common Sense Press second grade reading program continues phonics instruction that will bring confidence and fluency to the beginning reader. The updated third edition is even easier to use with three new readers that give your student more practice in mastering phonics. Students will enjoy the exciting stories in the readers and use them to learn grammar, creative writing, higher-order thinking skills, and much more. The program includes a Teacher Book, a Student Activity Book, and 6 readers, each containing several stories all packaged in a convenient, attractive full-color box. There are three supplemental readers that can be used for additional practice, but are not necessary for the program.
Our second grade reading program includes a Teacher Book, a Student Activity Book, and six readers all packaged in a convenient, attractive full-color box.
- 36 weekly lessons divided into easy-to-use daily plans. Lessons require little or NO preparation! Instructions and activities for phonics, reading skills, grammar, creative writing, and higher-order thinking skills taken from six delightful readers! Includes a quick review of first grade phonics and instruction in advanced phonics.
- The "real book" read alouds needed for this program may be obtained through your library or purchased from bookstores or catalogs.
- Enrichment Activities included in The Red Book Program will challenge your student with thinking, writing, and creative activities that are ideal for the fluent reader and easily adaptable for the nonreader.
- Handwriting instruction teaches upper and lower-case letters, numbers, PLUS punctuation! Illustrated practice sheets encourage your students to do their best.
- Phonics Facts, Grammar Guides, and Punctuation Pointers keep students on track.
- Games, word-wheels, flip books, and MORE hands-on projects and activities are effective for ALL types of learners.
- Spelling lessons include spelling lists, word puzzles, and spelling tips.
- Assessments enable teachers to evaluate progress. Phonics Facts, Grammar Guides, Syllable Sense, and Punctuation Pointers aid students in remembering the tricks of the trade for reading, grammar, and spelling.
- Essential to the program, additional consumable Student Activity Books may be purchased separately
Our second grade reading program includes a Teacher Book, a Student Activity Book, and six readers all packaged in a convenient, attractive full-color box.
A Tree Is Nice. Janice May Udry. HarperCollins.
Little Bear. Else Holmelund Minarik. HarperCollins.
The Fire Cat. Esther Averill. HarperCollins.
Bravest Dog Ever. Natalie Standiford. Random House.
Ox-Cart Man. Donald Hall. Puffin Books - Penguin.
Corduroy. Don Freeman. Puffin-Penguin Group.
The Little Island. Brown, Margaret Wise. Random House.
Billy and Blaze. C.W. Anderson. Simon and Schuster.
Harry the Dirty Dog. Gene Zion. HarperCollins.
Abraham Lincoln. d'Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar Parin. Beautiful Feet Books.
Literature Passages**
Come Over to My House. Theodore LeSeig (out of print)
"The Pocket" from The Zoo that Grew. Henry Z. Wick (out of print)
No Roses for Harry. Gene Zion. HarperCollins.
Abraham Lincoln. Clara Ingram Judson (out of print)
Poetry and Mother Goose Rhymes. (included in The Red Book)
*The Real Book Read Alouds are necessary to complete The Red Book program.
**The last eleven lessons of The Red Book contain passages to be copied. The books used for the passages are very, very old and most are out-of-print and impossible to find. They were chosen for the purpose of copying to complement skills being taught. It is not necessary to obtain or read these books.
A Tree Is Nice. Janice May Udry. HarperCollins.
Little Bear. Else Holmelund Minarik. HarperCollins.
The Fire Cat. Esther Averill. HarperCollins.
Bravest Dog Ever. Natalie Standiford. Random House.
Ox-Cart Man. Donald Hall. Puffin Books - Penguin.
Corduroy. Don Freeman. Puffin-Penguin Group.
The Little Island. Brown, Margaret Wise. Random House.
Billy and Blaze. C.W. Anderson. Simon and Schuster.
Harry the Dirty Dog. Gene Zion. HarperCollins.
Abraham Lincoln. d'Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar Parin. Beautiful Feet Books.
Literature Passages**
Come Over to My House. Theodore LeSeig (out of print)
"The Pocket" from The Zoo that Grew. Henry Z. Wick (out of print)
No Roses for Harry. Gene Zion. HarperCollins.
Abraham Lincoln. Clara Ingram Judson (out of print)
Poetry and Mother Goose Rhymes. (included in The Red Book)
*The Real Book Read Alouds are necessary to complete The Red Book program.
**The last eleven lessons of The Red Book contain passages to be copied. The books used for the passages are very, very old and most are out-of-print and impossible to find. They were chosen for the purpose of copying to complement skills being taught. It is not necessary to obtain or read these books.
The following reviews are for the 2nd edition of the Red Book. Some changes have been made in the 3rd edition.
long vowel sounds - review first grade phonics - r-controlled vowels: ar, ear, er, ir, ur - root words - short vowel sounds - sounds of: au, augh, aw, ay, ea, ee, ei, ew, ie, oi, oo, or, ou, ough, ow, oy, ue, ui - sounds of: al, ch, el, le, nd, sh, th, tion, ture, war, wor - sounds of : a, c, g, s, y - silent consonant in: ck, dge, gn, igh, kn, mb, ph, tch, wh, ur - syllabication - suffix sounds - words families
copy words - games - how to study words - puzzles - review phonics - spelling tips - suffix
cause and effect - character development - compound words - comprehension -context clues - dialogue - discussion of context - drawing conclusions - facts - fiction - illustrations - main idea - non-fiction - onomatopoeia - opinion - oral reading - ordinal numbers - plot poetry - poetry - reading aloud - real and make-believe - recalling detail - rhyme - setting - summary - syllables
adjectives - alphabetical order - antonyms - apostrophes - articles - capitalization - commas - common noun - comparative adjective - conjunctions - contractions - days of the week - declarative sentences - exclamation marks - exclamatory sentences - homonyms - hyphen - interrogative sentences - irregular nouns - months of the year - nouns - number words - past tense - periods - plural nouns - possessive nouns - predicate - prefix: un - present tense - pronouns - proper nouns - question marks - quotation marks - singular noun - subject - suffixes: ed,er,est,ful,ing,ly,y - superlative adjectives - synonyms - verbs
address - copying literature - creative writing - dates - descriptive writing - editing - invitations - letter writing - list - narration - paragraph - recording information - report - writing from dictation
Research and Study Skills
atlas - dictionary - encyclopedia - library - map - parts of a book - parts of a story - survey - thesaurus - time line
Higher Order Thinking Skills
alphabetical order - calendar - categorizing - compare and contrast - context clues - describing - details - drawing conclusions - evaluation of a story - following directions - grouping - inferences - interpreting illustrations - making a list - matching - memorization - ordinal sequencing - patterns - personal application - predicting outcome - real and make-believe - retelling a story - story recall - sequencing
Creative Expression / Games
book making - bingo - calendar - card making - diorama - drama - illustrating - interpreting illustrations - poetry - nature walk - oral presentation - pantomime - plays - puppetry - riddles
lower case letters manuscript - upper case letters manuscript - numbers - punctuation - sentences
long vowel sounds - review first grade phonics - r-controlled vowels: ar, ear, er, ir, ur - root words - short vowel sounds - sounds of: au, augh, aw, ay, ea, ee, ei, ew, ie, oi, oo, or, ou, ough, ow, oy, ue, ui - sounds of: al, ch, el, le, nd, sh, th, tion, ture, war, wor - sounds of : a, c, g, s, y - silent consonant in: ck, dge, gn, igh, kn, mb, ph, tch, wh, ur - syllabication - suffix sounds - words families
copy words - games - how to study words - puzzles - review phonics - spelling tips - suffix
cause and effect - character development - compound words - comprehension -context clues - dialogue - discussion of context - drawing conclusions - facts - fiction - illustrations - main idea - non-fiction - onomatopoeia - opinion - oral reading - ordinal numbers - plot poetry - poetry - reading aloud - real and make-believe - recalling detail - rhyme - setting - summary - syllables
adjectives - alphabetical order - antonyms - apostrophes - articles - capitalization - commas - common noun - comparative adjective - conjunctions - contractions - days of the week - declarative sentences - exclamation marks - exclamatory sentences - homonyms - hyphen - interrogative sentences - irregular nouns - months of the year - nouns - number words - past tense - periods - plural nouns - possessive nouns - predicate - prefix: un - present tense - pronouns - proper nouns - question marks - quotation marks - singular noun - subject - suffixes: ed,er,est,ful,ing,ly,y - superlative adjectives - synonyms - verbs
address - copying literature - creative writing - dates - descriptive writing - editing - invitations - letter writing - list - narration - paragraph - recording information - report - writing from dictation
Research and Study Skills
atlas - dictionary - encyclopedia - library - map - parts of a book - parts of a story - survey - thesaurus - time line
Higher Order Thinking Skills
alphabetical order - calendar - categorizing - compare and contrast - context clues - describing - details - drawing conclusions - evaluation of a story - following directions - grouping - inferences - interpreting illustrations - making a list - matching - memorization - ordinal sequencing - patterns - personal application - predicting outcome - real and make-believe - retelling a story - story recall - sequencing
Creative Expression / Games
book making - bingo - calendar - card making - diorama - drama - illustrating - interpreting illustrations - poetry - nature walk - oral presentation - pantomime - plays - puppetry - riddles
lower case letters manuscript - upper case letters manuscript - numbers - punctuation - sentences
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